Table Tennis Terminology, Terms

OK are you ready for some table tennis terminology, then let’s get started with some of the more common terms.

Common Terms used for the Racket.
Paddle and Bat. Then there are the different parts of the racket. Blade is a term used for the part that you hit the ball with, the head of the racket. The rubber that goes over the blade is called rubber. Then you have the handle.

Common Terms used for playing table tennis.

Backhand, when you hit the ball swinging with the back of your hand going towards the ball.

Forehand, when you hit the ball swinging with the palm of your hand going towards the ball.

Backspin, when you slice the ball with a motion that causes it to spin backwards.

Topspin, when you slice the ball with a motion that causes it to spin forwards.

Dead, when you hit the ball with no spin.

Smash, when you hit the ball really really really hard, can also be called a kill shot.

Lob, a very high shot.

Rally, when you have a rally it means to hit the ball back a forth to each other.

Let, if something goes wrong and you have to replay the point.

Heavy, if a shot is heavy then it just means it has a lot of spin.

Well there we have it a list of terminology in table tennis, if there are any terms that you really like in table tennis terminology that I haven’t included here let me know what they are and I’ll add them ASAP…

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